Police blockade again in 706th week: Kaya from HDP was battered

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  • 14:41 6 October 2018
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İSTANBUL- The sit in protest on its 706th week asked the whereabouts of Ayhan Efeoğlu who got forcefully disappeared 26 years ago. During the police intervention to the mothers, HDP parliamentarian Hüda Kaya was battered.

Saturday mothers started walking towards Galatasaray Square from Human Right’s Association (İHD) like they did the past 706 weeks, wearing the shirts printed their lost loved ones photos and holding carnations.
Pervin Buldan, co-chair of People’s Democratic Party (HDP) and the HDP parliamentarians Hüda Kaya, Garo Paylan, Oya Ersoy and Saruhan Oluç, and CHP parliamentarians Ali Şeker and Sezgin Tanrıkulu accompanied them.
However, as soon as the march started the police blockaded them and told that they will not let them walk nor make a statement and told them to go back in the İHD building. 
When the families insisted on walking, riot police blockaded the group. 
Police blockaded the journalists, not allowing them to do their jobs, like the past few weeks again regardless of the reactions from Saturday Mothers.
Hüda Kaya who positioned himself between the police and the protesters ,got battered by the police. HDP and CHP parliamentarians protested the attack.
Maside Ocak, sister of Hasan Ocak who was murdered by unknown assailants read the weeks press release under police blockade. Ocak stated :” We are the voice of Feriye and Osman Efeoğlu whose two children got arrested 2 years apart and forcefully disappeared.”
In 2011 former Special Operations police Ayhan Çarkın had confessed seeing Ayhan Efeoğlu getting tortured under police custody. He added: “I buried him myself” and revealed the names of the police who questioned and tortured him then disappearing his body.
Efeoğlu family requested the investigation to reopen. They demanded their son’s body to be found and buried properly but that never happened. 
Ocak who emphasized their demands on the 26th year anniversary of Efeoğlu’s forced disappearance said : “ We want the uncountable authorities and entities to stand trail and get punished. We will never stop looking for our losses not give Galatasaray square up, no matter how many years have passed.
The statement finished with the chant “We will never give up.”

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