Tarık Ziya Ekinci dedicated his life to his people

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  • 13:38 18 August 2024
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AMED - Historian Tarık Ziya Ekinci was sent off to his last journey in Amed. Speaking at the funeral ceremony, DEM Party Co-Chair Tuncer Bakırhan said: “He dedicated his life to the rights of his people. He is a summary and a picture of the Kurdish issue.” 
The funeral of historian and politician Tarık Ziya Ekinci, who died in Istanbul on August 15, was brought to his hometown Amed (Diyarbakır). A ceremony was held for Ekinci at the Şehitlik Mosque in Şehitlik neighborhood of Amed's Yenişehir district. Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Co-Chair Tuncer Bakırhan, Ekinci's wife Perihan Ekinci, his brothers Emin and Tahir Ekinci, his family and loved ones, deputies, representatives of civil society organizations, political parties and many people attended the ceremony.  
Ekinci's body was taken from the mosque and brought to his grave in the cemetery for burial. 
Speaking here, DEM Party Co-Chair Tuncer Bakırhan expressed his condolences to the Kurdish people on behalf of the Ekinci family. Stating that Ekinci spent his life for the rights of Kurds, Bakırhan said: “Brother Tarık is a summary and a picture of the Kurdish issue. Like every honorable Kurd who defends his cause and wants the Kurdish issue to be resolved democratically, he was tortured but he fought. I am talking about Brother Tarık who watched the Amed Newroz even on his sick bed and was impressed by your majestic stance. He was tortured, imprisoned, exiled, kept away from his family and children, but he did not give up the struggle. He continued on his way for the solution of the issue. He left us a collection of books. We promise him that we will honorably carry your flag until we achieve the democratic solution of the Kurdish peace that you started and for which you paid a great price.” 
Kurdistan Socialist Party (PSK) Chair Bayram Bozyel said: “A Kurdish writer, an intellectual, a 100-year-old star has left us. Ekinci is a witness of 100 years of Kurdish people's history.” 
CHP Amed deputy Sezgin Tanrıkulu said: “Brother Tarık’s 100 years of life is a history of memory and determination. He fought for the rights of his people, for equality, justice and democracy in Turkey and conveyed his knowledge to everyone.” 
Veysi Ülgen, President of the Amed Medical Chamber, said: “Today, if issues and topics such as health in mother language, free health for all, public health of the war are on the agenda, it is thanks to intellectuals like Tarık Ekinci.”
Ekinci family thanked those who attended the funeral.

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