Women's film from DEM Party Women's Assembly

  • actual
  • 21:24 22 March 2024
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NEWS CENTER – In the short film about DEM Party's women's struggle from the 1990s to the present day, "We are coming to take back what is ours in the century of women." It was emphasized that DEM is ours.

The People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Women's Assembly published a short film about the rise of women's struggle from the 1990s to today.
In the film, which was shared on virtual media with the note as follow: “We produced by laboring, we multiplied by paying price. We appeared before the history that ignored us as an unfinished novel. We are coming to take back what is ours in the century of women." In the film, the change experienced by women with their efforts, price and struggle for years was explained. And also the construction process of the co-presidency system was also explained and the achievements were reflected with colorful images.
In the movie, it says: “Now we set out stronger than ever. The voice is ours, the chant is ours. This life is ours. The nights, streets, squares are ours. In the century of women, we are coming to take back what is ours. DEM is ours."

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