Fincancı: My work disturbed the state

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  • 15:13 23 December 2022
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ISTANBUL - President of the TTB Central Council, who was arrested for evaluating the images of chemical weapons, Prof. Dr. Şebnem Korur Fincancı, in the first hearing of the case brought against her, said that her work disturbed the state.
Turkish Medical Association (TTB) Central Council President Prof. Dr. The first hearing of the lawsuit filed against Şebnem Korur Fincancı on the allegation of "making propaganda for a terrorist organization" was held. While the police were placed in the courtroom of the Istanbul 24th Heavy Penal Court in Çağlayan, many lawyers, journalists and the audience were not allowed in due to the smallness of the courtroom.
The hearing was attended by CHP and HDP MPs, the Union of Turkish Bar Associations (TBB), Diyarbakır, İzmir and İstanbul, bar association presidents of many cities and representatives of human rights organizations. Fincancı made a victory sign as he was brought to the courtroom. Meanwhile, those in the hall applauded Fincancı. It was noteworthy that Ficancı was besieged by 11 gendarmes in the courtroom.
CHP MP Mahmut Tanal, who took the floor in the courtroom, demanded that the police in the hall be taken out. The presiding judge asked the 3rd of the 5 policemen in the hall to be taken out. The lawyers in the hall drew attention to the number of gendarmes and demanded that the police be taken out.
Meriç Eyüpoğlu condemned harshly after the president of the court addressed Fincancı in an informal way". Taking the floor, Fincancı drew attention to the address of the president of the court and said: "Calling me as you means you are making a judgment about me. I was brought in handcuffs for 5 hours and this is an inhuman practice. The detention was set up with a live broadcast at the time I was taken into custody. The prosecutor, who made the detention order, admitted himself as a criminal without even taking his statement. This picture cannot be evaluated in a legal context and that it was created by political decisions."
Continuing her defense by pointing to Socrates' opinions that those who work for rights should not be statesmen and remain citizens, Fincancı said: "My work as a citizen and Forensic Medicine Specialist disturbed the state. I was fighting for human rights, I was made a target when I started to become visible with his works. I revealed the truth with my many studies and also I revealed many torture situations."
The trial continues with Fincancı's defense.

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