Security measures of Governorship disturbs the people

  • actual
  • 12:32 19 November 2021
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SIRNAK - Citizens who protested the Sirnak Governor's statement that they provided a safe environment for the region said, "We cannot go to our village. We want peace, not a police station or a tower."
Hundreds of villages in Şırnak and its districts were burned down and evacuated due to "security" reasons back in the 1990s. Thousands of people living in these villages had to migrate. Despite the time that has passed, many of these villages are still banned and hundreds of police stations, fortresses and military bases have been built there over time. Only recently, 22 towers and 2 military bases were built in the Cudi Mountain region. In addition, thousands of trees were cut down in Cudi, Gabar and Besta regions and the cutting of trees still continues. Thousands of people still cannot return to their villages.
However, the authorities continue to claim that they brought peace. With the latest news based on Şırnak Governor Ali Hamza Pehlivan, it was claimed that the region was once again made "safe" and people were able to go to their villages freely. It was ignored that some villages were still banned and entry to some villages is only possible with a permit from the district governorship.
Saying that the peace in the region was ended with the construction of police stations and towers, Yakut said: "We do not need towers or military bases. 20 years ago, I went to the village with my daughter-in-law, but I could not recognize my house. They burned down our house.  Our house had 3 floors, I searched a lot but couldn't find it and couldn't recognize my own house."
Hanım Deniz, who lived in Bilikan before their village was burned down to the ground, reacted to the military posts and police station constructions in the region. Stating that they are not allowed to return to their villages, Deniz said, "When the soldiers give permission to us to go to our villages, they tell us to be back before 17.00. When we are not back by then, we are either getting detained or fined. But the rangers can enter these villages freely, cutting down our trees and selling the logs. Why is it free for them and banned for me? This is unacceptable. They are building these police stations and military posts for their own safety, not ours. We can't even use our trees. We are fined when we use the logs of our own trees."
Stating that the entire region was turned into military zone as a result of security policies, Deniz continued: "It was more peaceful before. We do not need military posts. We need peace."
MA / Zeynep Durgut

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