Peshmerga Commander: Let's form a front against civil war


NEWS CENTER - Wahap Sertip, one of the peshmerga commanders, who stated that Erdogan wanted to start a war among the Kurds, called on all Kurdish parties and organizations and said: "Let's form a front against civil war."

Backlash to the KDP that deployed forces to HPG controlled areas continue to come after Turkey launched an operation against the Federated Kurdistan Region on April 23. Speaking to Fırat News Agency, Wahap Sertip from the Pêshmerga Command said, “The constant attacks and internal conflicts of our enemies are putting the Kurds in this situation. Baban, Erdelan, Botan, Behdinan and many other Kurdish principalities were all destroyed by civil war. Moreover, Baban Principality was destroyed by the civil war of several brothers. In the 60s, when we were still children, hundreds of Kurdish children were martyred in the civil war that took place under the name 'Celali-Melayi'. The same things happened in the civil wars in other parts."
Stating that Turkey wanted to adject Mosul within the scope of its Ottoman dream and that Erdoğan's statements are an indication of it, Sertip said: "Why did they come to Bashika? They brought soldiers and set up a base. He says they came for the Turkmens who are loyal to him, but this is just a story. They came and settled there for the whole of Mosul and Bashure Kurdistan. This is the danger, not the PKK. Turkish government has a different agenda."
Stating that the Turkish state may have hit the vehicle of the KDP forces in Metina, Sertip said, "It is clear that the vehicle was shot from air. Sertip said: "They are asking why PKK is here. PKK is here because this is Kurdistan. Where should the PKK go? It is a Kurdish movement and this is Kurdistan. Why did we go to Iran and Rojhilat? We still have houses that belong to us in Rojhilat. We were a revolutionary force. We were fighting against Saddam and BAAS. They were attacking us with heavy weaponry and their whole army. PKK is a revolutionary force and it's fighting Turkey. Turkey attacks with all its power and PKK retreats to places where it can defend itself. Where else can the PKK go?"
Stating that apart from the KDP, the PUK, Goran, Islamic, communist/socialist parties and organisations, personalities and most importantly the people, should form a front against the war, Sertip said, “We recommend a method that forbids war between Kurds. The people does not accept or condone this war. And the people can stop a war they don't want. Other parties should stand with the people and forbid a war among Kurds."

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