NGOs: Government is responsible for Bahçeli's threats

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  • 19:09 22 January 2021
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İSTANBUL - Six rights organizations, including the Union for Democracy (DİB), have released a joint statement and condemned the recent statements of Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Chair Devlet Bahçeli targeting critical journalists.

Amid the recent assaults and threats targeting opposition politicians and critical journalists, six rights organizations have denounced the remarks of Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Chair Devlet Bahçeli.

Releasing a joint statement today (January 22), the organizations have severely criticized Bahçeli for targeting journalists. Holding not only Bahçeli, but the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government and the Ministry of Interior accountable for the attacks as well, the statement has read:

"It is not only the MHP which is responsible for the intensifying attacks, but the entire government, especially the Ministry of Interior."


The joint statement has been signed by the Union for Democracy (DİB) platform, Dialogue Group, Eastern and Southeastern Associations (DGD) Platform, Citizens' Initiative, Ankara Initiative for Freedom to Thought and Initiative Against Crimes of Thought.

The organizations have first reminded the public that after 805 citizens issued another declaration and called on the opposition to unite against the People's Alliance of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the MHP, MHP Chair Devlet Bahçeli targeted the signatories by calling them "so-called journalists, academics without an identity, separatists..."

"As a reaction against the separatist discourse and insults of MHP Chair Devlet Bahçeli, who is extending the scope of his targets, over 6 thousand citizens have signed the petition launched on"

Raising concerns that "MHP Chair Bahçeli has been insulting and targeting people without cease", the statement has recalled that, most recently, a number of journalists and columnists such as Elif Çakır, Taha Akyol, Yıldıray Oğur and Ayşenur Aslan have been subjected to the insults and targeting remarks of Bahçeli as well as his press advisor:

"The silence of the AKP, the senior partner of the People's Alliance, and that of President Erdoğan encourage Devlet Bahçeli as well as his vice chairs and organization members who do not fail to follow suit."


Concluding their statement, the organizations have said, "We would like to remind that it is not only the top executives of the MHP who are responsible for these intensifying attacks on journalists as a result of the statements and insults targeting politicians, media members and the opposition, but the entire government, especially the Ministry of Interior."

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