HDP announces 'Democratic Action Program'

  • actual
  • 12:12 6 November 2020
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ANKARA - HDP Spokesperson Ebru Günay, who announced the new period "Democratic Action Program", said, "We are starting an uninterrupted process of action until the fascist alliance is defeated."

Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Spokesperson Ebru Günay announced the new period struggle program at a press conference held at the party headquarters. Günay said that they held extensive discussions and made new decisions at the Party Assembly (PM) meeting on October 11 and the Central Executive Board (MYK) meetings on November 2.
Stating that the current regime is a corrupt regime and that is clear, Günay said: "After determining this fact, our duty is to organize the means to destroy fascism, to strengthen the democratic resistance and to build an alternative administration.
Saying that they will take action with the slogan "Resistance against Fascism, Democracy and Justice for the Peoples", Günay said: "This is a challenge. We decided to initiate a new "Democratic Action Program" to turn every area of ​​life into political, democratic and legitimate barricades against fascism which targets social opposition and peoples with  polarizing, seperatist, racist and male-dominated policies. Our Party is determined to fulfill its historical responsibility in the face of the deep crises we are in. As the HDP, we decided that a stronger, continuous line of social struggle should be established against fascism, which targets social opposition and peoples.
As you know we are in a period of uninterrupted demonstrations, activities and discussions since June.  The Democratic Action Program that we have prepared now is to take the Declaration of Peace, which we announced on September 1, to a higher level. It is the decision to strengthen the democracy march we made in June with the participation of the people. It is the step of isolating the fascist bloc by expanding the democracy meetings we held in July.
For this reason, we initiate an uninterrupted process of action until we defeat the fascist alliance by weaving the line of democratic resistance against fascism. From now on, every street, every house will be turned into areas where a strong opposition is organized against fascism. We have neither patience nor endurance to tolerate the AKP-MHP government. We will remove them from all areas of life. We will grow our march and expand our alliance in order to break this wave of despair that has spread to the society and to take a position that exceeds the elections and to carry the democratic power union to the streets by organizing house by house, street by street. "

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