COVID-19 and prisons: 3 prisoners in Diyarbakır diagnosed with coronavirus


DİYARBAKIR - 3 prisoners in Diyarbakır Type D Closed Prison are reported to have been diagnosed with COVID-19.

It was learned that some prisoners in the F-6 section of the Diyarbakır Type D Closed Prison applied to the prison administration and demanded to get a coronavirus test. According to the information obtained from families of the prisoners the coronavirus test results of the 3 prisoners have turned out to be positive, while 23 prisoners in the same section have been quarantined. It was reported that 3 prisoners who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 are in the prison and have not been transported to any medical facility yet. Test results of other 23 prisoners under quarantine are still expected.
Alaattin Semir Zuğurli, a prisoner from the H-7 section of the prison informed his family on the weekly telephone call and called attention to the danger of COVID-19 in the prison and called for urgent action for prisoners. 

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