Yüksekdağ: There is a AKP censorship in Kandıra Prison 2020-05-18 16:50:32   ANKARA - HDP former Co-Chair Figen Yüksekdağ, stated that there is an AKP censorship in Kandıra Prison where elected politicians are held and told that the conditions of isolation is worsening.   The HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party) denounced in a statement that the party's former co-chair Figen Yüksekdağ as well as HDP former deputies and politicians suffered censorship in Kandira Prison.   According to the information conveyed by Yüksekdağ to her relatives during the weekly phone call, "letters are censored in the sentences containing the word AKP."   In addition, some letters containing critical statements about the practices of the government are not delivered to prisoners on the allegation that they contain false information about the coronavirus pandemic.   According to Yüksekdağ, in this process where the right to open and closed visit cannot be exercised because of the pandemic, the letters are the only connection of prisoners with the outside. However they are not only censored, but also kept for weeks.   In prison, books are also limited and delivered only on birthdays and holidays. Conditions for those held in isolation in Kandıra Prison are getting harder as newspapers as well are not delivered.