Suspended judge: We all need to hear this voice 2020-05-16 14:34:58 İZMİR - Karşıyaka Judge Ayşe Sarısu Pehlivan who were suspended from office because of her social media post on İbrahim Gökçek, stating that she is being dragged into a pond of mud, said: "If people are crying for justice in prisons, this voice must be heard." Union of Judges President and Karşıyaka Judge Ayşe Sarısu Pehlivan whom the İzmir Chief Public Prosecutor's Office started an investigation against for her social media post on Grup Yorum member İbrahim Gökçek where she said 'Songs can not hurt anyone' is suspended from office for 3 months by the Council of Judges and Prosecutors (HSK).   Judge Pehlivan spoke to the Mesopotamian Agency about the lynching she was subjected and her suspension.     Pehlivan who stated that she is a very transperant person and that there is nothing she would hide, said: "Unfortunately, in the new state of Turkey, there is a mob that is trying to squeeze me in a corner and and administration that listens to this mob. In fact, we must question the why and how everyone got their current status. The right to life is sacred. There is a mob that is ready to lynch a person that wishes no one dies. I am being dragged into it and I am very upset about it."   Pehlivan also evaluated the situation of the hunger striking members of the Contemporary Lawyers Association (ÇHD).   "WE ALL HAVE TO HEAR THEIR VOICE"   Saying that the lawyers' demand for a fair trial should be met as soon as possible, Pehlivan said: "If people say that they expect justice in prisons, we must all hear this voice. The demand for a fair trial is very innocent. Demand for justice in prison should not be considered normal. This means they did not get justice. The right to life is sacred."   Pehlivan continued: "I dream of a justice system that gives the people the feeling of justice when they seek it. This is why I am in this profession for years. We must create a justice system that provides justice. People must believe that they will get justice when they come to court. They should forsee what they will get when they come to these courts. This is not possible anymore. Sometimes people get arrested for sharing something in their social media accounts. Then someone campaigns for them on social media and they are released. This should not be our normal. Judiciary can not feed from social media."