23 bar associations condemn seizure of HDP-run municipalities 2020-05-16 12:13:20 DİYARBAKIR - The seizure of the HDP-run municipalities of Siirt, Iğdır, Kurtalan, Baykan and Altinova was condemned by 23 bar associations. Adana, Ağrı, Adıyaman, Artvin, Batman, Bingöl, Bitlis, Bursa, Diyarbakır, Antep, Hakkâri, Hatay, Kars, İstanbul, İzmir, Mardin, Mersin, Muş, Van, Siirt, Urfa, Şırnak and Dersim bar associations condemned the seizure of the the HDP-run municipalities of Siirt, Iğdır, Kurtalan, Baykan and Altinova which were appointed trustees, while the freely and democratically elected co-mayors have been detained.   The statement of the 22 bar associations said: "We want to state that the dismissal of mayors and and the detentions, as well as the appointment of trustees are incompatible with the law. As the whole world is struggling with the coronavirus pandemic this detentions and trustees appointments are actually harming social peace."   The statement added: "The appointment of trustees goes against the outcome of the ballot box, and appears to be an action directed towards the elimination of the will of voters. This decision actually causes serious damage to the rule of law and our democracy.    The detention of mayors and the appointment of trustees in their place violated the basic rules of law, the right to elect and to be elected. The detained mayors should be released and returned to their posts immediately."