Support to capital in the name of 'normalization' 2020-05-16 09:43:17   ADANA - SES Adana Branch Co-chair, Mr. Enis Akyuz, who stated that the "normalization" steps of the government were taken to recover the capital, explains that this situation poses a serious danger.   Adana Branch of Health and Social Workers' Union (SES) Co-Chair Mursit Enis Akyuz evaluated the situation of coronavirus (Kovid-19) in Adana after the government's "normalization" steps. Akyüz stated that the data about the epidemic were not shared with them in Adana and that they did not have clear information about how many patients there are in the city.   Referring to the government's "normalization" steps, Akyüz continued as follows: "It is natural that you actually apply an isolation and then slowly open it and wait for the second wave. It seems that the opening of the shopping malls was perhaps the last thing to consider.  However malls were the last businesses to be closed and first to be opened. Besides, the workers have been working from day one. There are no serious measures in the factories. They even work on public holdays and curfews. The normalization steps seems mostly in the favour of saving the economy. So we do not know when the second wave comes. We can only guess. If we say that everything is back to normal, we will have a very hard time. The epidemic can go back to square one with these steps towards normalization. The risk is great. While it is necessary to open up gradually and in a controlled manner, we have opened all commercial institutions at once. In case of contamination we will have to go back to square one."   MA / Hamdullah Kesen