DBP: Municipalities are occupied 2020-05-15 16:26:32   DİYARBAKIR - The HDP member party DBP said that the seizure of five municipalities today is a result of the AKP/MHP government's attempt to occupy by force those municipalities which it was unable to win through democratic elections.   The Party of Democratic Regions (DBP) sharply criticised the deposition of demecratically elected co-mayors in five Kurdish cities. In a written statement published today, the party said: "The government is usurping the municipalities that it could not win with elections. These measures are the reflections of the state of emergency that has been in effect since 15 July 2016. During this period, local governments, where people organized themselves, were turned into centers of occupation by governors and district governments".   By the time of the last local elections on 30 March 2019, more than 95 municipalities had already been under forced administration. 45 of those won by the HDP last March have been usurped by the government again.   'GOVERNMENT TRIES TO HIDE ITS FAILURE'   "During this time all achievements of the municipalities, especially works for women, child, youth and culture were stopped, municipal buildings were cordoned off with bars and barriers and converted into police bases. While people are worried about their lives because of the pandemic, the government is trying to hide its failure by turning the peoples against each other and by appointing new trustees. Instead of protecting the health of the people, it robs them of their elected representatives,” said the DBP.   The DBP called for the common struggle and resistance by all forces working for peace and democracy against the AKP regime.