Iğdır Municipality Co-Mayor Akkuş: We will stand strong 2020-05-15 14:44:32   IĞDIR - HDP Iğdır MP Habib Eksik said that there is no reason for the appointment of trustees to HDP-run municipalities and said that they will stand strong against this as they always had.   Eksik was reacting to the appointment of trustees to 5 HDP-run municipalities today (Iğdır, Siirt, Kurtalan, Baykan and Altınova).    "This racist bloc thought Kurds would not win the municipality elections in Iğdır, however people said 'HDP' on 31 March. And the AKP could not accept this. Today, not only Iğdır Municipality has been subjected to this harassment and trustee culture, but so many HDP-run municipalities."   Eksik added: "The HDP will continue the struggle legally and politically. We will never accept the trustee culture. We will never accept trustees as mayors. The people of Iğdır will never forget what was done outside politics law. Our people see these unlawful practices of AKP-MHP. They will bury them all in Iğdır. The state argues that the reason for the appointment of trustees and the detention of co-mayors in Iğdır Municipality is their ongoing lawsuits. The only reason for the appointment of a trustee to Iğdır Municipality is HDP victory in Iğdır and public commitment to HDP and transparent services."