Kurdish Language Platform announced its demands 2020-05-14 13:57:05 NEWS CENTER - The Kurdish Language Platform, which made a statement regarding the 15 May Kurdish Language Day, warned: "If the language disappears, our community will also disappear", and listed what needs to be done to protect the Kurdish language. The Kurdish Language Platform made a written statement regarding the 15 May Kurdish Language Day. Reminding that Celadet Ali Bedirhan and his friends published the Kurdish Hawar magazine in 1932, the platform said: "This magazine carried out very valuable work. Today, Kurdish language, literature and cultural studies are following Hawar."   CALL TO MOTHERS AND FATHERS   In the statement reminding that the Kurdish Language Day has been celebrated since 2006, attention was drawn to the importance of the mother tongue, a call was made to protect the mother tongue. The statement said: "We know that Kurdish is our identity, our dignity and existence. Kurdish people must use their language in every aspect of life. We must own our language with all its strength. We know that Kurdish consciousness has an important place in the struggle of the Kurds as much as the political consciousness. If the language disappears, the our community will also dissappear."   DEMANDS   * Kurdish people must do their political works and meetings in Kurdish.   * We must speak in Kurdish in demonstrations, our intellectuals must write in Kurdish and artists must carry out their art in Kurdish. Our people must speak Kurdish in events like weddings and entertaintments.   * The newspapers and TVs of the Kurds must broadcast and publish in Kurdish.   * All religious activities must be in Kurdish.   * Kurds must speak Kurdish in transportations and bus stations and airports.   * Children must demand Kurdish as their elective courses.   * Kurdish should be the language of education and official language.   * Officials should formally establish a Kurdish Language Institution.   * Officials and courts should not prevent Kurdish in prisons.   * Kurdish announcements should be made at airports and bus stations.   * Kurdish should be used freely.   * Pressures on Kurdish institutions and broadcasts must end. "