Obstruction against duly funeral seremony 2020-05-14 13:56:03 ADIYAMAN - The two HPG members who died in the countryside of Adıyaman was buried. The soldiers who allowed 5 people to attend the burial ceremony prevented the washing of the bodies.   The bodies of Zeynel Alakuş and Gafari Yorulmaz from 3 HPG members who died in an air attack in Adıyaman's Koru district on May 7 were buried. Families took the bodies from the Malatya Forensic Medicine Institute yesterday. When the municipality officials did not provide vehicles, the families took the bodies to Adıyaman with the vehicles they hired from a private company in Diyarbakır.   Alakuş was buried in the town of Dandırmaz (Tolmez), while Yorulmaz was buried in the village of Çamyurdu (Gomik). It was learned that the soldiers did not allow neither of the bodies to be washed before being buried as it is the religious tradition and only allowed 5 people to attend the funeral.