Writer Robar: Let's keep alive the language, the spirit and the body 2020-05-13 13:40:01 ŞIRNAK - Writer Bahattin Robar, drawing attention to the fact that claiming the language only on the May 15 Kurdish Language Day will not be enough to eliminate assimilation, said: "Language is the soul of a person. If you drift away from your mother tongue, you'll drift away from your soul. Let's not drift away from our soul and kill our body."   May 15, the day Celadet Ali Bedirhan published the Kurdish Hawar Magazine in 1932, have been celebrated as the Kurdish Language Festival since 2006. Mesopotamia Writers Association member, writer Bahattin Robar who underlined the pressure on the Kurdish language which is still under the effect of assimilation and auto-assimilation, drew attention to the fact that more effort is need to help the language stay alive.   Robar, who shared that they will not be able to perform mass actions and activities this year due to the coronavirus (Kovid-19) outbreak, emphasized that such a day should be spent efficiently. Robar said: "We should use out language in our daily life. Out in the street, while shopping, back at home.. We should approach this issue seriously. We should focus on reading, writing, speaking in Kurdish while we are locked in due to the coronavirus. We should attend online classes. Because language is the soul of a person. If we drift away from our language, we drift away from our soul. If we drift away from our soul, our body dies. We should keep alive our language, our soul and our body. Just as our elders have delivered this language to us, we have to deliver it to the next generations."