Lawyers call for 'joint struggle' 2020-05-11 11:34:00 VAN - Lawyers in Van stating that President Erdoğan's attempt to intervene in professional organizations is political, called for a joint struggle and said that the aim is to instituionalize the one- man regime. The reactions against AKP's President Tayyip Erdoğan attempts to change the structure of the professional chambers. Protesting the intervention, lawyers of Van Bar Association said that the aim of the intervention is the destruction of opposition.    Attorney Sevda Aydın, assessing the situation as instituionalization of the one man regime, said: "He has done everything in his power to silence the opposition till now. He tried to annihilate the opposition when he could not silence it. The dissenter opinion and the stance of the bar associations, their stance against the women's murders, the appointment of trustees, their reactive stance towards abuse must have disturbed the government, this regulation was brought forward. It is also emberassing for Turkish Bar Associations President Metin Fevzioğlu to support AKP in building itw own regime. We, as all lawyers should unite against this and start a joint struggle."