Prisoners in hunger strike threatened with death 2020-05-10 12:54:03   MERSİN- Şiyar Fırat, a prisoner on non-rotated non-limited hunger strike against the oppression in Seydişehir Prison in Konya, reported that they are threated by the guardians by being told that "We will not leave you alone. This is Seydişehir".   6 prisoners declared non-rotated non-limited hunger strike on May 6 in Konya Seydişehir Type-T Prison and their hunger strike protest continues. Şiyar Fırat, one of the hunger striker prisoners, spoke to his family on the weekly phone call and told his mother Ayşe Fırat the violations of human rights they have been exposed to. Mother Ayşe Fırat told that her son is in prison for around 4 years and the voice of her son came not so good on the phone as they speak.   Şiyar Fırat told about the human rights violations and various maltreatment applications in the prison as follows: "We are face to face with the September 12 Military Coup d'Etat applications. We have stated it many times that we would not accept to stand up and give counts, but they keep coming for it and attacking us for not obeying this arbitrary application they force us. They threat us with death. They tell us things like; 'We are going to kill you, you are in our hands.' We have declared hunger strike against these applications and we seek for a dialogue path to open. The same day we declared the hunger strike, they broke in to our cells and took me and my fellow prisoner in my ward Önder Korkmaz in order to seperate us. Now we are in different cells and we can not communicate with each other. The guards keep saying; 'This is Seydişehir, we will not let you alone, and no one can reach you. So keep quiet". If things go this way we will turn our hunger strike into death fast soon, because this is all we got left. In the 21st century's Turkey, they force prisoners to go in death fast. This is such a shame for Turkey. Our call from the public is that, raise your voice, do not stay silent to this brutal attacks in Turkish prisons. Hear the voice of us, the political prisoners. Dear mother, if we die in prisons, the responsible is the prison management."