Relatives of prisoners: We want our children on mother's day 2020-05-09 10:22:51 VAN - The Free Women Movement (TJA), the Women Executives of the Prisoners’ Families Aid Association (TUHAY-DER) and the prisoners’ relatives made a statement to mark Mother's Day in Van.   Women attended the meeting held at the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) city building, wearing masks and respecting social distance. HDP Van Deputy Muazzez Orhan Işık also joined the statement.   Behice Abi, relative of one of the prisoners, made a statement on behalf of the women, and told how worried relatives are because of the coronavirus.   Abi said: "We are addressing the Ministry of Justice and all the deputies. We don’t want bodies to come out of prisons. We just want our children. We cannot sleep and eat for 2 months. All we want is for the prisoners to be released as soon as possible.”   After the statement, the women went through neighborhoods to give white headscarves mothers who could not leave the house, as prescribed by the coronavirus measures, because they are over 65 years old.