Confirmed Coronavirus cases in Turkey increased to 6 2020-03-15 09:45:33 NEWS CENTER- Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announced that the Coronavirus test of a citizen, who had returned last week from Umrah, turned out to be positive.   Health Minister Fahrettin Koca made a statement on the Coronavirus (Kovid-19) outbreak on his Twitter account. Koca announced that the test results of a citizen, who returned back last week from Umrah in the last week were positive.   MINISTER KOCA: WE ARE WORRIED ABOUT THE NEW CASES   Minister Koca's statement on the subject is as follows: "If you have just returned from Umrah, we urge you to follow the 14-day rule. Unfortunately, the test of a citizen who has returned back to the country last week turned out to be positive. We are worried about the new cases. Please do not accept visitors. Having been gone through health screening does not mean zero risk."   Together with the Health Minister's last statement the number of confirmed Coronavirus cases in Turkey increased to 6.