6 years 3 months prison sentence to İHD MYK member Raci Bilici 2020-03-12 14:23:15 DİYARBAKIR – IHD MYK member lawyer Raci Bilici was given a 6 year and 3 month prison sentence with the accusation of "being a member of the organization". Raci Bilici, a member of the Human Rights Association (IHD) Central Executive Board (MYK), was accused of 'being a member of an illegal organization' for attending meetings of rights organizations and activities organized by Democratic Society Congress (DTK) between 2011- 2014 to prepare IHD's violations of rights report. The hearing was held at Diyarbakır 5th High Criminal Court. Many lawyers and rights defenders attended the hearing.   PROSECUTOR REQUESTED PRISON SENTENCE   The prosecution repeated his opinion from the last hearing and requested a prison sentence of 7 years up to 15 years for Bilici, accusing him of 'being a member of an illegal organization'.   'I ATTENDED THESE EVENTS AS A RIGHTS DEFENDER'   Bilici, making his defense, said: "I worked as a teacher for 22 years. I was layed off for a while after the coup attempt and then I was reinstated. I resigned from my job to work as an attorney. I am here as an attorney right now. I actively worked as a rights defender for years. I  was the executive director of İHD and İHD Diyarbakır Branch. We, the rights defenders, detect violations of rights and report those violations. We meet with related authorities and the political power to make sure it doesn't happen again. I attended the 'Migration Conference' on the invitation of GÖÇ- DER. I was a moderator. The speeches in the file are from 2011, there is no way I can remember them clearly. The speeches listed in the file are intermittent, and without a coherence in terms of meaning. We met with the government many times to avoid the clashes.  It is not possible for us to recommend and do actions such as live shields. I want my acquittal."   PRISON SENTENCE HANDED OVER TO BİLİCİ   Following the defense made by Bilici's lawyers, the court sentenced Bilici to 6 years and 3 months in prison on charges of 'being a member of an illegal organization'.