Aykol: The problems can be solved with salafi groups withdrawing from Syria 2020-03-07 15:03:23   ANKARA - Journalist and writer Hüseyin Aykol who stated that Russian President Putin have came out ahead from the meeting in Moscow, said the solution is only possible with the with salafi groups withdrawing from Syria.   Following the attacks in Idlib, the AKP Chair Tayyip Erdoğan who insistantly called on to the Syrian regime to withdraw, signed a 'ceasefire' agreement with Russian State President Vladimir Putin yesterday in Moscow. Erdoğan threatening Syrian regime with beheading if they don't withdraw from the borders he determined, once again signed an agreement in Moscow to be respectful of Syria's territorial integrity.   The statement 'Reiteration of the determination regarding all manifestations of terrorism and elimination of all groups defined as terrorists by United Nations Security Council' was interpreted that the operation of the regime against salafi elements act under the auspices of Turkey will continue.   Journalist-writer Hüseyin Aykol, who has been a journalist in the field of diplomacy for a long time and closely follows the Middle East, made evaluations about the crisis and the agreement in Idlib.   Aykol pointing out that Turkey is in Idlib to disarm the salafi elements, said: "Turkey said 'I can disarm the salafi elements, integrate them and make them moderate islamists' with Astana and Soçi agreements. Russia and Iran did that with the help of Turkey in Aleppo. When then salafi groups figured our that they will be defeated they asked for Turkey's help and Turkey helped the jihadist get out of there. This is what was expected of Turkey in Idlib but Turkey did not disarm HTŞ."   Aykol underlining thet the solution is only possible with the with salafi groups withdrawing from Syria, said: "There is no meaning of Turkey keeping troops there after salafi elements are gone. Then it will come to the places where Turkey keeps its troops.  That's why Turkey is now withdrawing from Idlib, which is Turkey's last stand and resistance point. Turkey will get out of Idlib either by fighting or by negotiating. Turkey insists despite they lost the war, it wants to go to the peace conference in Geneva with a bargainin chip."     MA / Berivan Altan