Congress evaluation from guests: The most important message was the 'People's will' 2020-02-24 13:23:52 ANKARA – The guests participated in the HDP Congress expressed that the enthusiasm of the people attending spreaded hope. While writer Fikret Başkaya said 'Success is inevitable', Peoples' Houses Co- Chair Dilşad Aktaş said the strongest message of the congress was the people's will.  There was a great participation in the congress of Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) 4th Ordinary Congress. While the congress reacged its goal of 30 thousand people,  many intellectuals, writers, human rights defenders, political parties, unions and representatives of the democratic mass organization also participated.    BİRDAL: DETERMINATION WAS HIGHLIGHTED   Akın Birdal, Honorary President of the Human Rights Association (İHD), who said that the emphasis on peace and democracy was at the forefront in Congress, said: " The determination of the people was highlighted. A new road map will be determined. That is what the party base want. The people attending the congress was dynamic and determined. The march of a party that takes this people to the center cannot be stopped. We saw a very determined democracy and peace march at the congress."   BAŞKAYA: SUCCESS IS INEVITABLE   Writer Fikret Başkaya who followed the congress at the hall said: "It is exceptional for a movement that has been under such a pressure to show  existance at this level." Başkaya stating that he felt the warmth of the politicized people in the hall, said: "Let them put pressure as much as they want, there is no way they can blunt these people's consciousness and will for freedom. So, despite all the difficulties, they will continue where they left off. Success will surely be achieved. It is inevitable.   AKTAŞ: THE STRONGEST MESSAGE WAS THE PEOPLE'S WILL   People's Houses Co-Chair Dilşad Aktaş said: "The conrgess was the best response to the oppression on the party. The strongest message of the congress was the people's will. Shoulder to shoulder against fascism!"   GÜRKAN: MAY IT LEAD TO THE ALLIANCE OF THE PEOPLE   Labour Party (EMEP) Chair Selma Gürkan said: "We wish HDP successes as friends, believing that the AKP government's oppressive, prohibitive, monopolist, expansionist and conflict favouring policies will be a step to realize the real struggle. May it lead to the alliance of the people."   ÇİFTYÜREK: KURDISH MOVEMENT IS COMING STRONG   Sinan Çiftyürek, Chairman of the Kurdistan Communist Party said: "HDP Congress has been held with great enthusiasm, far beyond the expectations despite all the oppression, arrests and the appointment of trustees.Our people gave this message: "You can not prevent the will of the Kurdish people, the politics of the Kurdish people with oppression, tyranny and violence". The Kurdish movement is coming strong."   BOZGEYİK: THE MESSAGE HAS BEEN RECIEVED   Public Workers Trade Union Confederation (KESK) Co-Chair Mehmet Bozgeyik said: "When we look at the speeches, we have seen that HDP has proposed solutions for the field of labor. Importantly, the program HDP announced to the public with a new staff and management can be conducted in partnership with the forces of labour and democracy. The message is recieved. HDP gave the messages expected from it at this congress. The important thing is the steps that democracy forces will take in this regard."   ÇALIŞKAN: ALL PARTIES SHOULD RESPOND   Turkey General Services Workers Union (Genel-İş) Chairman Remzi Çalışkan said: "The people of HDP came from every corner of Turkey. The enthusiasm of the people was visible. The pressures must stop now. The longing of peace and and fraternety of the people was in the forefront. All political parties should respond to this will. "