Messages from all parts of Kurdistan to HDP Congress 2020-02-23 15:17:26 ANKARA - In the solidarity messages sent from the four parts of Kurdistan to the 4th Grand Congress of HDP, emphasis was placed on strengthening peace and fraternity. Solidarity messages from all four parts of Kurdistan were sent to the 4th Congress of the People's Democratic Party (HDP).   BARZANİ: MAY THE CONGRESS BE AN INSTRUMENT FOR FRIENDSHIP   Mesrûr Barzanî, the President of the Federated Kurdistan Regional Administration, expressing his satisfaction for the invitation, said he was very sorry he was not able to attend. Barzani said: ""I wish your congress to strengthen the peace and brotherhood and the friendship of the peoples."   TEVGERA AZADI: WE WISH YOU SUCCESSES IN THE WALK TOWARDS FREEDOM   Tevgera Azadi, from the Federated Kurdistan Region said in its message: "We salute your congress from Southern Kurdistan with the belief in democracy, freedom and the victory of the peoples. We know that you are fighting for democracy under pressure, that you are doing politics and that thousands of members and managers are under arrest. We wish you success in your democratic politics and your march towards freedom."   Iran Kurdistan Democratic Party and Kurdistan Democratic Peoples' Movement from the Federated Kurdistan Region, Kurdistan Communist Party (KKP), Kurdistan Parliamentary Union, Goran Movement, Kurdistan Free Women's Organization, Kurdistan Green Party, Kurdistan Socialist Party have sent messages of solidarity to the congress.   PYD: EYEs OF THE KURDISH PEOPLE ARE AT THE HDP CONGRESS   The message of Democratic Union Party (PYD) Co- Presidency from North and East Syria was, "The peoples of the Middle East are going through a historical period. The eyes of the Kurdish people are at the HDP congress in Northern Kurdistan today. We hope that the participants of the congress will participate on this basis. As PYD, we greet your congress and wish you success."   The Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party also sent a message with support and solidarity to the HDP congress.