3 years of ban in Hakkari: What kind of a threat we cause by a press release? 2020-01-30 12:25:12 HAKKARİ - NGO representatives in Hakkari, calling attention that the bans of demonstration and public protests announced in every 15 or 30 days by the Governorship of Hakkari for more than 3 years turned into a tool to keep the public under pressure: “What kind of a threat we cause by a press release?”   THE BANS ARE THE WAY POLITICAL POWER RULES   Education and Science Labourers Unions (Eğitim-Sen)  Hakkari Bracnh Chief Süleyman Aşkan says that the ban of demonstration and public protests constitute an obstacle against union rights: “When we look at the grounds they present for these ban, we see nothing but absurd reasons and no logic of justice or legal ground at all. There is no legal ground to ban our very rights declared by the related articles in the constitution, our rights defined by the demonstration and protest march law and our rights recognized by the international agreements. These decisions of bans are totally realted to the way the political power rules.”   WHOSE SAFETY DO WE THREAT?   Health and Social Services Labourers Union (SES) Branch Chief Musa Bor also addresses that there is not logical explanation of continuous ban of 3 years: “We even read the press statement sent by our central office in our union building. Even in this case, they pull over police and military vehicles in front of our union building. This makes our members anxious. We have such a problem of using our rights. This situation has definitely an affect upon society. In order to raise the voice of the problems in the society, of course the unions must make press statements, but we are not able to do that. We, the unions and the civil society organizations, are the voice of the society. Our press statement never constitute a threat for anyone. Whose safety do we threat?”   BANS CAUSE RISK FOR THE LIFE SAFETY    Human Rights Association (İHD) Hakkari Branch Board member Pınar Yılmaz told that these demonstration bans are carried into another level in the  rural zones under the name of “security zones”. Yılmaz continued her statement as: “The security zones constitute a threat to the freedom of individual transportation considering the winter conditions. This causes risk for the life safety. These violations have started after the Emergency State (OHAL). However, for the 3 years even though the Emergency state has been cancelled, the Emergency State continues in practice. And this is a violation of rights. This violation should end immediately.”