OHAL ban extended in Van 2019-12-09 13:18:17 VAN - The ban on demonstrations and activities which has been continuing for 1114 days in Van, was extended one more time for 15 more days. The ban declared by the governorship was extended on the grounds that: "To prevent the incidents of attacks with the actions that are directly and explicitly constituted by the conditions of restriction and prohibition stipulated in our constitution and laws, to ensure the safety of our citizens' lives and property, to eliminate the plans of terrorist organizations, to ensure the national security, the protection of public order and security, the prevention of crimes, and for the protection of freedoms and rights and freedoms of others and general public order and prevention of the spread of violent incidents; marches, open air meetings, press releases, sit-ins and survey establishments / opening of tents and booths, organizing signature campaigns, distribution of leaflets and etc have been banned starting from 10/12/2019 to 24/12/2019 for 15 days in the borders of the city Van."