French Communist Party denounced Demirtaş situation 2019-12-03 12:09:19 NEWS CENTER - The French Communist Party (PCF) issued a strong statement about the health situation of former HDP co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş. The French Communist Party (PCF) said in a statement: "They are killing the leader of Kurds, Selahattin Demirtaş", referring to the former HDP co-chair state health.    Today it was disclosed that Demirtaş, who is in prison in Edirne, had not been sent to the hospital after losing consciousness on 26 November. It was his sister and lawyer, Aygül Demirtaş, who denounce the incredible violation of the right to life carried out against the former HDP co-chair.    Reminding that Demirtaş has been in prison since 2016, the French Communist Party said that despite losing consciousness, he had not been referred to hospital for seven days.   The Communist Party added: "This is the revenge of tyrant Recep Tayyip Erdogan."   The European Court of Human Rights had ruled to release Demirtaş, yet Erdogan said "Turkey was not bound to the ruling of the ECHR."   Demirtaş has been finally transferred to hospital on Monday.