Autonomous Administration issued call to international community 2019-11-30 10:53:40 NEWS CENTER - The Autonomous Administration has released a statement to reiterate its call to all relevant international institutions, human rights and civil society organizations to condemn Turkey practices contrary to all international laws. The Foreign Relations Committee of the Autonomous Administration has released a statement to reiterate its call to all relevant international institutions, human rights organizations, and civil society organizations to condemn these practices of Turkey, which are contrary to all the international laws.   The statement said: "Since 9 October the Turkish State and its extremist groups have been violating all international standards and conventions by repeating the same crimes that they have committed in the occupied region of Afrin including the implementation of the demographic change policy."    The Administration underlined that "the Turkish attacks and practices are a clear violation of all the international norms as well as a flagrant violation of human and democratic values in the world. Thus, it is a moral obligation to expose the Turkish policies, which support terrorism and cause chaos in our region and the world."    The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria reiterated "its call to all relevant international institutions, human rights organizations, and civil society organizations to condemn these fascist practices of Turkey, which are in contrast to all the international laws. The most heinous crime committed by Turkey and its affiliated militias is the enforcement of demographic change in our region, which threatens the very existence of our people."    The Administration thanked "the advocacy group Justice For Kurds (JFK), which includes intellectuals, academics, diplomats and former ambassadors from different countries who recently launched a campaign under the motto "We Stand With The Kurds" in solidarity with our people who have been targeted by the Turkish State and its affiliated militias."    The Administration extended the call to "all the intelligentsia in our region and around the world to shoulder the responsibility for defending our people from the existential threat that we are facing by denouncing the Turkish occupation of our region and exposing the crimes committed by Turkey and its extremist militias."