Başaran: Our members are being harrassed under custody 2019-11-07 15:54:17   ANKARA - HDP Law and Humans' Rights Commission Spokesperson Ayşe Acar Başaran who stated that their members are being pulled into rooms for 'chats' and they are forcing them to be photographed as groups to expose as 'captured terrorists', said: "We know why they are taking these photos just like we know why they serviced the photograph o Selçuk Mızraklı in cuffs.'     People's Democratic Party (HDP) Law and Humans' Rights Commission Spokesperson Ayşe Acar Başaran held a press conference regarding the operations and arrests of their members and executives in HDP Headquarters.   PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE PRINCIPLE IS BEING VIOLATED   Emphasizing that the detention and arrest operations against the members and executives of the party continue, Başaran said that many people were detained in the Beytüşşebap district of Şırnak, including the district co-chairs. Stating that the government is trying to liquidate the HDP by means of judiciary, Başaran mentioned the operation against women politicians in Ankara yesterday and said, “9 of our female friends were terrorized and detained by the pro-government media. The request of our friends to meet with lawyers was rejected and the requests of lawyers to meet with the prosecutor were rejected and the petition was returned. The file stated that there was a limitation decision but no document was submitted. No information was given as to why women were detained. In Turkey, first you are treated as a criminal then you try to acquit yourself from the accusations these days. The presumption of innocence prinsiple is being violated by the government everyday."   Başaran stating that their members are being pulled into rooms for 'chats' and they are forcing them to be photographed as groups to expose as 'captured terrorists', said: "They tried to take photos of the women in groups to service to media and expose them as criminals.This violates the presumption of innocence principle. We know why they are taking these photos just like we know why they serviced the photograph o Selçuk Mızraklı in cuffs. They take the photos, and service to the press to say 'These are the terrorists.The women have rejected this. They didn't even give the women with health problems water. They did not give food as well. This is unacceptable."   Stating that Kurds are not accepted as citizens, Baiaran said: “You have the right to choose, to be elected and live as a citizen. For the Kurds, there is no right to vote, to be elected or to live. The government says 'You can choose me or I will appoint trustees." We are the essential elements of this land; in any way, we will not step back from politics, our claim to hope for a society. The losers will be those who do not accept our will, existence, identity and history of the people today. They will take their places in the waste basket of history like their predecessors."