Free Burma Rangers member: Turkey deliberately targeted us 2019-11-04 11:05:12 NEWS CENTER - Mihemed, a friend of Free Burma Rangers member Dr. Zau Seng, who lost his life as a resultof the bombing carried out by the paramilitary groups and Turkey, stated that Turkey have deliberately targeted them. Turkey and Turkey backed paramilitary groups have targeted the Free Burma Rangers Health Organization members who were trying to get to the civillians in Reşîdiyê and Qasimiyê villages hit by Turkey and Turkey backed paramilitary groups.   While Doctor Zau Seng lost his life as a result of the bomb attack in Til Temir, Free Burma Rangers coordinator Mihemed was injured.    Mihemed who was borught to Haseké, said: "Our duty is to remove civilians from the battlefield. We are a human rights organization. When we reached the village of Al-Ezîziyê, we were exposed to bombardment of gangs belonging to the Turkish state. The gangs wanted make way for them to reach Til Temir. We were attacked when we were treating the wounded. Despite the Red Cross flag on our vehicle, they continued to attack us. A Thai member lost his life as a result of the attacks. ”   According to ANHA News, Mihemed calling the UN for civillians who are displaced, stated that Turkey's attacks are inhumane. Mihemed, stating that Turkey attacks the people of North and East Syria are unprovoked, said: "Turkey targeted everyone including the children, women and the elderly. This is occupation by all means."