Social Media arrests continue: 2 HDP executives arrested 2019-10-24 14:01:55 KOCAELİ - HDP Kocaeli Province Organization executives Teyyar Özkaya and Siracettin Başboğa are arrested on the grounds of their social media posts. HDP executives Teyyar Özkaya, Adnan Ediş and Siracettin Başboğa were detained during raids to their homes in Kocaeli yesterday. 3 people who were taken to Kocaeli Police Department were later referred to the court.   HDP members who were referred to Kocaeli 1st High Criminal Court with the accusation of 'making propaganda for an organization' were arrested by the court.    Özkaya and Başboğa were arrested on charges of "making propaganda for an illegal organization". Ediş was released.   Özkaya and Başboğa were taken to Kandira Prison.