'Retweet' investigation against Cizre Co-Mayor Zırığ 2019-10-23 11:35:58   ŞIRNAK - 3 investigations were launched against Cizre Municipality Co-Mayor Mehmet Zırığ on grounds of retweeting a video, critical of the trustees and his shares regarding the trustees.   3 different investigations were launched against Cizre Municipality Co-Mayor Mehmet Zırığ, for 'propagandizing an illegal organization', 'opposition to the law on meetings and demonstrations' and 'insult'. Co-chair Zırığ went to the Security Bureau Chief, gave his statement about the investigations in question.   Saying that many of their work has been prevented so far, Zırığ said: "The objective here is clear. AKP is trying to stay alive. We see this as an attack of those who can not handle democracy. They can try anti- democratic ways as they like. We will keep claiming democracy and the will of the people."