Maas: Attack against the Kurdish forces is illegitimate 2019-10-21 11:41:37 NEWS CENTER - German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, stating that Turkey's war on North and East Syria is against the law of states, said the attack against the Kurdish Forces is illegitimate. Germany's Foreign Minister Heiko Maas who attended the TV Show 'Berlin Direct' of the channel ZDF, said: "We do not believe that an attack on Kurdish units or Kurdish militias is legitimate under international law, If such an occupation has no basis in the law of states, then the occupation is not in line with the law of states," Maas continued.     Maas demanding the military operation to be terminated, pointing out the agreement between Turkey and USA, said: ""We will do everything for this truce to last longer than just the five days. We also do not agree that Syrian civil war refugees who are now in Turkey are then sent to northeast Syria in this way into this security zone, possibly against their will. Because we will not pay money for things that, according to our perspective, are not legitimate or legal."