MEPs call for action against Turkish invasion of northern Syria 2019-10-11 09:34:46 NEWS CENTER - Reactions against the Turkish state’s military incursion into northern Syria continue pouring in.   60 members of the European Parliament released a political declaration following the invasion of the Rojava region in North Syria.   After hearing about the Turkish military attack this day against the Syrian Democratic Forces in Rojava, the undersigned MEPs:   - firmly condemn this assault and the Turkish leaders that commanded it, particularly Recep Erdogan;   - recall that the European Union collaborated with the SDF against Daesh, and that we are part of the same military coalition against it;   - denounce the diplomatic attitude of the US Trump administration, that abandons their allies and favours the attack by the Turkish army;   - ask the European Parliament, the European Commission and the European Council to quickly and firmly condemn Recep Erdogan’s attack;   - ask the European Union to impose heavy economic and diplomatic sanctions against Turkey;   - ask the EU to take all necessary actions to tackle the humanitarian crisis in Rojava; - ask that everything be done to stop the attack of the Turkish army.   Francois ALFONSI (Verts/ALE), Andris AMERIKS (S&D), Attila ARA-KOVA`CS (S&D), Maria ARENA (S&D), Margrethe AUKEN (Verts/ALE), Pernando BARRENA (GUE/NGL), Pietro BARTOLO (S&D), Marek BELKA (S&D), Brando BENIFEI (S&D), Gabriele BISCHOFF (S&D), Benoi^t BITEAU (Verts/ALE), Simona BONAFE´ (S&D), Ionut BORDEIANU (S&D), Milan BRGLEZ (S&D), Delara BURKHARDT (S&D), Carlo CALENDA (S&D), Damien CARE^ME (Verts/ALE), Isabel CARVALHAIS (S&D), Leila CHAIBI (GUE/NGL), David CORMAND (Verts/ALE), Andrea COZZOLINO (S&D), Petra DE SUTTER (Verts/ALE), Jill EVANS (Verts/ALE), Tanja FAJON (S&D), Giuseppe FERRANDINO (S&D), Elisabetta GUALMINI (S&D), Alexandra GEESE (Verts/ALE), Hannes HEIDE (S&D), Evin INCIR (S&D), Yannick JADOT (Verts/ALE), Lukasz KOHUT (S&D), Alice KUHNKE (Verts/ALE), Pierfrancesco MAJORINO (S&D), Margarida MARQUES (S&D), Costas MAVRIDES (S&D), Alessandra MORETTI (S&D), Leszek MILLER (S&D), NIINISTO¨ Ville (Verts/ALE), Juozas OLEKAS (S&D), Pina PICIERNO (S&D), Giuliano PISAPIA (S&D),Evelyn REGNER (S&D), Diana RIBA I GINER (Verts/ALE), Miche`le RIVASI (Verts/ALE), Franco ROBERTI (S&D), Caroline ROOSE (Verts/ALE), Isabel SANTOS (S&D), Mounir SATOURI (Verts/ALE), Andreas SCHIEDER (S&D), Gu¨nther SIDL (S&D), Massimiliano SMERIGLIO (S&D), Tineke STRIK (Verts/ALE), Patrizia TOIA (S&D), Marie TOUSSAINT (Verts/ALE), Nils USˆAKOVS (S&D), Monika VANA (Verts/ALE), Nikolaj VILLUMSEN (GUE/NGL), Bettina VOLLATH (S&D), Julie WARD (S&D), Salima YENBOU (Verts/ALE), Elena YONCHEVA (S&D), Tatjana ZDANOKA (Verts/ALE)