Vice President targets those who oppose the operation 2019-10-08 14:07:29 NEWS CENTER - Vice President Fuat Oktay has said, "Turkey is not a country that will act according to threats," responding to a threat by US President Trump to "obliterate Turkey's economy".   Trump tweeted yesterday that it will destroy the country's economy if it does anything that he considers "off-limits" regarding Turkey's expected military operation in northern Syria.   "As our president always stresses, Turkey will always set its own path and will take matters into its own hands," Oktay remarked.   "Now it is time to form the safe zone in the east of the Euphrates. Turkey both bring the terrorist organizations that threaten our southern border into line and create an opportunity for the Syrian refugees in Turkey to return to their countries."   Turkey is expected to launch a military offensive in northern Syria after some US soldiers withdrew from their posts following a phone call between President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his US counterpart.   The Vice President added that 370 thousand refugees have returned Syrian soil that is controlled by Turkey after Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch operations.