Thousands of North East Syrians march to coalition base: We won't remain silent 2019-10-07 10:21:48 NEWS DESK - Thousands of people in Haseké canton, marched to the international coalition base located in Til Erqem against Turkey's threats and conveyed their demands.  Thousands of people gathered towards the North East Syria and Turkey border, protested Turkey's threats. The march began from Til Helef and ended 10 kms later, in Til Erqem, at the international coalition base.      Thousands of people participated in the march, including Arab and Kurdish opinion leaders, political party representatives and civil society representatives. Throughout the march, resistance slogans were shouted.     Protesters marching towards the International Coalition Base, demanded the coalition to react to the attitude of Turkey. The group sent a committee inside to convey their demands to the coalition and met with Military Commander Mike. The committee who delivered the letter of the protesters to the commander, called on for solidarity.      Haseké Opinion Leader Assembly President Fewaz el- Zewba from the committee, said: "We want peace and dialogue. We don't want to be in a war with Turkey. We don't accept the safe zone Turkey imposes on us because of their personal interests and see the safe zone as invasion.  We see the coalition as an ally. They allied with us against ISIS terror. Neither the terror, not Turkey's threats did not end in our country. Turkey's threats complicates our struggle with ISIS cell structures.   El- Zewba who argues that Turkey is trying to invade the region, said: "Turkey wants to invade the region, claiming the Kurds are terrorists. We respond to this claim by saying the Kurds are not terrorists. Kurds are fighting with the terror you support in Syria."   Commander Mike who responded to the demands of the protesters, said: "Let's continue to act together until we eliminate the ISIS threat. I promise to deliver your letter to the relevant authorities of the international coalition."   Haseké Parliament Co-chair Ebdulxenî Oso said: "We will not remain silent against a possible attack of Turkey. We have 11 thousands martyrs against this terror. We are ready to protect our gains. We must depend on our own power against these threats, not on foreign states."