Erdemol: They are talking about the Kurds, but there is not one single Kurd in there 2019-10-02 10:23:07   İSTANBUL - Journalist Mustafa Kemal Erdemol drawing attention to the absance of the Kurds at the Syrian Conference held by CHP, said: "They are talking about the Kurdish question in here. They are talking about the Syrian Kurdistan, Irak Kurdistan and the Kurds in Turkey, but there is not one single Kurd in here."   Journalist-writer Mustafa Kemal Erdemol, one of the participants of the conference on the International Syrian Conference organized by the Republican People's Party (CHP) at the Grand Tarabya Hotel in Tarabya on September 28 with the theme 'The Gate to Peace in Syria' said that the lack of Kurds is a shortcoming in this conference.     Erdemol argued that the conference was a search for an alternative to the policies of the ruling party, adding that it was a very bold step and also the most important initiative of the CHP after the march of justice. Erdemol stated that the conference had some shortcomings and said: "Did CHP achieved what they hoped for? I doubt that. But this not just about CHP, at least most of it is not. Some very important figures were invited to the conference. But they couldn't make it because the government produced a visa problem. And the Syrian government did not send anyone else to replace those who had a visa problem in protest."   Erdemol reiterated that it was a shortcoming that no one from Syria could attend the conference, said: "This is the first element. There is also an issue of the opponents that weren't invited to the conference. We know what they are defending. But they should be here to speak anyways. But the most important issue is that, they are talking about the Kurdish question in here. They are talking about the Syrian Kurdistan, Irak Kurdistan and the Kurds in Turkey, but there is not one single Kurd in here. There are people that can talk on behalf of the Kurdish in Democratic Syrian Forces. They should have been here too."