Hunger strike in front of CHP: They once came down and it was to make us delete a tweet 2019-09-26 14:48:12 ANKARA - Celal Karadogan, who went on a hunger strike in front of the CHP for the completion of the disabled center and for the resumption of fuel supply for disabled vehicles, criticized CHP and said: "They once came down and it was just to make us delete a tweet." Celal Karadoğan and Ramazan Acun, who live in Adana, continue their hunger strike in front of the CHP Headquarters on the 6th day demanding the completion of the disabled center and the resumption of fuel supply to disabled children's vehicles.     Stating that they have not been contacting since the day they started the hunger strike, Celal Erdoğan said: "CHP officials have been watching us from their windows everyday but none of them comes down to talk to us. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu's advisor Deniz Demir once came down and it was just to make us delete a tweet about them and went back in after telling us to delete the tweet."   Karadoğan stating that they wanted to go inside the CHP building but there was a scuffle at the enterance and they were taken under custody after that, said: "We were taken under custody and borught to April 10 police station. CHP called the station to inform the police that they want to withdraw their complaint."   Ramazan Acun said: "I was taken to the hospital on the 3rd day of the hunger strike. I came back here as soon as I was discharged from the hospital. We are here to get results.  We're not leaving until we get our rights. Mayor of Adana Metropolitan Municipality Zeydan Karalar has promised us to finish the facility and he will fulfill his promise."