HDP Women's Council: Support Yüksekdağ Tuncel and Kışanak 2019-09-26 12:35:07 NEWS DESK - The HDP Women's Council called for participation to the hearing of the party's former co-chair Figen Yüksekdağ on 27 September and Sebahat Tuncel and Gültan Kışanak on 16 October.   The HDP Women's Council called for strong participation in the hearings of the three women politicians.   The Women's Council said: “Attacks on women's gains, rights, freedom, attacks on our lives, our presence in the public sphere continue. The government attacks women in every field of struggle."   The HDP Women's Council added that the response to all these attacks is "to create solidarity and common struggle for women. Our partnership increases our resistance."   The HDP Women's Council underlined that "Tthe last move of power was to illegalize and target our co-presidency system, which is one of the important gains of our struggle for equal representation and effective participation in politics."   The Council called on everyone to participate to the hearing of Figen Yüksekdağ, on 27 September and to the hearing of Sebahat Tuncel, DBP co-chair and Gültan Kışanak, co-mayor of Diyarbakır Municipality, in Malatya on 16 October.