Prisoners from Patnos Prison: This prison is a Nazi Camp 2019-09-07 11:43:48 AĞRI - In a letter sent from  Patnos Type L Closed Prison known for the violations of rights, the prisoners listed the violations of rights one by one.  The letter written by Bülent Şık was delivered to Mesopotamia Agency (MA) against all the obstacles. The letter sent with a headline 'Is there anyone hearing the voices of the people in Patnos Type L prison' stated that the particular prison is turned into a Nazi camp.   Şık listed the violations of rights as follows:    * We haven't been able to access newspapers for a year now. Our right to recieve news is being violated.   *All of our radios have been confiscated by the administration and we recieved disciplinary penalty for having one. We bought those radios from the prison!   * People with health problems cannot benefit from health rights and face death. In the last year, people who did not receive medical treatment died. There are people at the brink of death right now. They prepare papers that we were broght to the infirmary, but we are not being treated in any way.   * Common activities have been banned. Activities like conversation, workshops, courses etc have been either allowed or arbitrarily restricted by the administration on their will.   * They restricted our vital needs and confiscated those needs from our cells. We can't even clean our cells or eat from plates.These items are being confiscated with raids to our cells while we are being insulted by them. The guards encourage the prisoners to commit suicide during these raids and sometimes people commit suicide and we hear about it.   * Our families who come to visit suffer from these pressures as well. They are being forced to strip searches. If they don't allow this, they are being thretened to never see us again or being arrested.   *We have no access to clean water, hot water or drinking water. The water coming from the taps smell like sewer.   * There are 15 to 30 people in our wards. When we want our picture taken, either they don't allow it or take it in 3's so that no one knows how crowded we live.   * Because we don't have access to our needs we try to use the canteen with our own money but they don't get them to us and they don't deliver the items we request from our families.     * A group of guards who are provocative-aggressive and enjoy torture have been created, and it is unpredictable at any moment how they will act with aggression. When this situation is conveyed to the managers, we are clearly threatened by saying ‘we cannot control it'. We see the prisoners getting beaten in the corridors, being thrown into solitary confinement every day. When we complain about these situations, we can't get any answers or learn the whereabouts of those people.    * We are being punished with communication ban for no good reason. We are being isolated and left for death here.