Trustee reaction from Çiftyürek: This is a swamp 2019-09-06 11:43:43 DİYARBAKIR - KKP President Sinan Çiftyürek who participates in the protests against the trustees for 19 days, reacting to the trustee policies, said: "The AKP will sink further as their policies of revenge against the Kurdish continue." The democracy watch initiated to support Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality (DBB) Co-Mayor Selçuk Mızraklı who was removed from duty by the Ministry of Interrior, continues on its 19th day.Many people supported the sit held at Lise Street, including represantatives of associations, non governmental organizations, intellectuals, writers, artists, academicians, trade union organization represanatives of Turkey and the region, political party represantatives and presidents. Kurdistan Communist Party (KKP) President Sinan Çiftyürek who took part in these sit in's from day one, evaluated the trustee policy.     Çiftyürek mentioning the women of Homeland Party coming in front of the People's Democratic Party Provincial building to make a statement, said: "This is a provocation. The people that came have insulted and cursed at the HDP people." Çiftyürek emphasizing the fact that HDP have done their part both in June 24 elections and March 31 elections, said: "It was a firm stance for the democracy in Turkey. Following their lost of İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality, AKP is following a policy of revenge against the Kurdish in the east. This is a swamp: AKP will sink further as they continue with their revenge policies."