Fear of explosion in Reyhanlı 2019-07-23 11:05:57   HATAY - Explosions and mysterious fires in Reyhanlı that currently became the base of Salafist groups, frightens the people. While the residents of the district have migrated saying  'There is no life safety', the population of the refugees is increasing day by day.   Citizens are living on their nerves because of the explosions and mysterious fires in the district. A citizen who did not want to give his name on the grounds of their life security argued that Reyhanlı was the base of Salafi groups and that hundreds of charities were in the district and provided logistical support to the groups. Citizen complains:  "What happens here is not in the press. The state does not allow it. Local people migrated to the city center because they do not have security. Nobody has peace of mind here. We are experiencing a fear of explosion."    'WE HAVE NO LIFE SAFETY'   Another citizen who stated that Reyhanlı is like a waiting room for the Salafi groups where they wait after their transfer to Turkey, stressed that people are afraid to talk. Citizen complained: "Civil servants can not speak in the district. Social media shares are being followed and people are blaclisted. Local people are being blacklisted too and disciplinary proceedings are carried out for the civil servants.People are afraid something bad will happen to them. 80 eprcent of the tradesmen in the county is Syrian. Explosions occur in the districs and they never reflect to the press. There are Syrians racketeering. The locals prefer not to go out because they do not have life security. Those who have the opportunity leave the district."