UK Parliament Motion to condemn Turkish aggression of Kurdistan 2019-07-11 11:50:39 NEWS DESK - A motion has been tabled in the UK Parliament to express "grave concern at the Turkish state’s intensified aggression against the people and territory of northern Iraq/southern Kurdistan." A motion titled "Treatement of Kurdish people" has been tabled in the British Parliament.   The six deputies who sponsored the motion are: Lloyd Russell-Moyle, Liz Saville Roberts, Paul Farrelly, Jum Cunningham, Alex Sobel and Kelvin Hopkins.    The motion has been signed by a total of 14 deputies so far.    The text reads:    "That this House expresses its grave concern at the Turkish state’s intensified aggression against the people and territory of northern Iraq/southern Kurdistan and military occupation of that region;   condemns the use of Turkish warplanes to bomb and kill civilians in northern Iraq in violation of international law, human rights and the basic principles of sovereignty;   and notes that the Turkish state does this with the aim of occupying Kurdish people’s lands, changing the demographics of those territories and the suppression of Kurdish identity and the Kurdish people’s aspiration for democratic representation."   Peace in Kurdistan Campaign is asking people to lobby MPs and get them to sign this Early Day Motion which condemns the further killing of civilians in Northern Iraq.