Temelli: Our approach to June 23 will be the same with March 31 2019-06-21 15:21:11 ISTANBUL - Peoples Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chairman Sezai Temelli made a statement regarding the letter PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan sent them which Anadolu Agency (AA) serviced yesterday. Temelli who evaluated the 'breaking news' serviced by Munzur University Sociology Department Chair Assoc. Dr. Ali Kemal Özcan on Medya TV, said: "Our approach to June 23 will be the same with March 31".     'THE STATEMENT IS REMOVED FROM ITS CONTENT'     Temelli who stated that Öcalan mentioned the same solution for the politics in Turkey against the polarization, in todays's statement, said: "Mr Öcalan was talking about a democratic solution. He talks about a democratic, constitutional reconciliation. This is a very important issue. Of course, we have an alliance on the basis of equal citizenship and democracy, both in terms of Turkey on the basis of constitutional citizenship on a global scale, we are close to this understanding for a solution. In this sense, we also review ourselves politically. Therefore, it is not acceptable to remove this statement from all of these contexts, to separate it from all its historicity and to reduce it to an election tactic.”     'WE WILL HAVE MOVES TO OPEN A WAY FOR THE THIRD PATH'     Temelli who underlined that AKP constantly involves themselves in a black propaganda against the Kurdish people, said: "We are going through an important process that will never be reduced to election tactics. We have already demonstrated our strategic move much earlier. Our moves will keep coming in terms of democracy alliance and the third path."   'THIS ELECTION IS A REFERENDUM FOR DEMOCRACY'     Temelli said: "Since the first day, we have shown what HDP will do in Istanbul. Now we are asking what they will do? Will they keep polarizing the people, will you keep condemning people to deadlocks? What will you do? Will you stand for democracy? Are you going to take steps to establish social peace in a place where social peace is so devastated today? This was our call. And we are very clear about that. Our strategy for June 23 is not confusing at all. We will do what we did on March 31 elections. Because what we call the third path, I mean the political strategy of HDP is to show strength at the polls.Because HDP voters are against this monist approach that polarizes people and they will show their will at the ballot boxes. This, for us, is a referendum for democracy."