TGS President Durmuş: There are extra pressures on Kurdish journalists 2019-06-21 10:36:16   KARS - TGS President Gökhan Durmuş, stating that there are severe pressure on journalists in Turkey, said: "There is an extra pressure on Kurdish journalists. To solution to there pressures is to unite the journalists working in the west to those working in the east."     The pressure, violance ,cencorship and imprisonments against journalists in Turkey increased on a daily basis. While Turkey leads being one of the worst countries for journalists in the world, currently there are 162 journalists are in prison. In Turkey where freedom of press and expression dissappeared, where the media speaks from one mouth, where journalists are bein left unemployed, cencor and auto-cencor are now at its most visible state.Turkey that ranked 157 in 180 countries in the 2018 World Press Freedom Index report prepared by Reporters Without Borders, kept its place at 157 in 2019.Again, the US-based think tank Freedom House, announced that Turkey is going backwards regarding the freedom of press in their annual report. Turkey Journalists Union (TGS) President Gökhan Durmuş who evaluated the pressure on the press in Turkey, said the policy of repression continues.     Durmuş who emphasized Jornalist Ayşe Düzkan who was imprisoned for showing solidarity with Özgür Gündem newspaper by assuming the editor in chief status for a day, said that the decision of arresting her was at best ridiculous. Durmu who stated that there are 40 more joournalists being tried for their solidarity with Özgür Gündem besides Düzkan, said: "There is extra pressure on Kurdish journalists. The solution to this extra pressure is to unite journalists in the west and journalists in the east. The reason why the pressure on Kurdish journalists is so high is that there are more severe conditions in the region and they are trying to announce them. There is more pressure on Kurdish journalists because they are more truthful than they are trying to publicize or Kurdish journalists are trying to publicize. But we can't say there is no pressure on non-Kurdish journalists. The government is pressuring journalists to prevent the truth from reaching the public. This is a fact; Journalists, in Turkey's history,  has always been the target,but the news have always reached the public and it always will. We are being detained, arrested, battered, pressure but we always manage to deliver the news to the public."