Women from İHD will go to Halfeti 2019-06-07 16:41:34   İZMİR - Women from the IHD İzmir Branch, said that torture is a crime against humanity, and that they will visit women and children who were tortured in Halfeti.   Human Rights Association (İHD) İzmir Branch made a statement about the torture in the gendarmerie station in Halfeti district of Urfa and the TEM Branch. Cemile Karakaya from the IHD Women's Commission stated, drawing attention to the reports of the human rights defenders and the statements of the victims, "Women who were tortured under police custody, said they were tortured, electrocuted and threatened with mass rape; they said they have dont things to them they can not tell in detal because it emberasses them."     THE COMMITTEE WILL GO TO HALFETI       Reminding the narratives of the torture survivors, Karakaya said: "It shows how traumatic and degrading the acts are. We see that the system has once again tried to hit society through women and children. ” Karakaya emphasized domestic and international law, which deemed torture a crime,said those who tortured the citizens must be identified and punished.Kaya who stated that torture is a crime against humanity, said they will visit the torture survivors in Halfeti with a committee of women as soon as possible.