Pervin Buldan in Iğdır: We will win again on June 23 2019-06-07 16:27:08 IĞDIR - HDP Co-Chair Pervin Buldan who spoke in Iğdır, said: “Do your best for the June 23 elections in Istanbul. Ask your relatives and acquaintances to go to the polls. This is the election that we make the forces of democracy win and AKP to lose."   Pervin Buldan Co-Chair of Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) moved to Iğdır after Kars as part of Ramadan Feast visits. Buldan was welcomed at the entrance of the city, and went to HDP provincial building. Addressing the public in front of the party building, Buldan said, "We have spent the holidays bitterly for a long time. We had to postpone the feasting programs with our people for a long time. We could not celebrate the holidays with the taste of sadness, pain of the events in the past holidays. This feast was a slightly different feast. Thousands of people have put their bodies to hunger in prisons, especially Leyla Güven. They resisted, fought and won. I send my respects and greetings to Leyla Güven, especially those who have laid their bodies to hunger.      Buldan who mentioned that the path towards peace and brotherhood is now open, said peace and democracy will come back to this country after the victory on June 23. Buldan said: "This peace will be brought by those who want peace, freedom and brotherhood in Turkey. I have a special request from my good citizens. Do your best in the June 23 elections in Istanbul. Ask your relatives and acquaintances to go to the polls. This is an election that we will gain to the forces of democracy and we will make AKP lose. You are the way to get through to them, to reach them. We will get in touch with everyone, we will stay in touch with everyone through our fellow countrymen here. We will get everyone to the polls and make them lose once again."