What they want is that torturers don't go unpunished 2019-06-07 11:25:51 URFA - 10 people who got arrested following the armed clash in Halfeti, told about the torture they were subjected to. Torture victims who were subjected to all kinds of torture, wants the torturers to be punished.   51 citizens were detained following the clash on May 18 in Dergili (Dêro) neighborhood of Halfeti district of Urfa province during the home raids carried out in 4 different neighborhoods.38 of them were released afterwards and 13 of them was arrested on charges of 'being a member of an illegal organisation'. Many of the 51 citizens were pshycally and psychologically tortured, and the doctor reports, court records, witness statements and investigation reports verified the torture.   The women, F.A and G.A who got arrested, described the torture they were subjected to, to the attorneys of the Urfa Bar. We published them yesterday. Today, we are publishing what the men had to say. At the request of the tortured, we do not give their clear identities.     30 MINUTES IN THE GENDERMERIE STATION   C.Y who defined the torture he was subjected to in Urfa TEM (Anti-Terror Unit) for 12 days, said the police broke down their door, barged in, beat them in front of their kids while they were laid on the ground and forced into the police vehicle while they were handcuffed from the back. C.Y who stated that his wife fainted when she was that he was being beaten and taken to hospital, said she too was brought to Yaylak Gendermerie Station after the hospital. C.Y who stated that as far as he remembered there were 20 people in the gendermerie station, said everyone was handcuffed behind their backs, laid on the floor, beaten, punched,kicked and hit with the butts of their guns and sometimes they walked over them and it took 30 minutes.   TORTURE CONTINUED IN TEM     C.Y who stated that they continued to beat them in the police car on the way to and from hospital to TEM Urfa Branch, said even though he warned the police that he had platinum on his spine, they continued to hit his back with the butt of a gun. C.Y said: "They took us to TEM Branch. They started to torture me as soon as I got there. I couldn't see anyone because they put a black sack over my head. When they took me away, they tied my hands and feet and laid me on my back. Someone was sitting on my chest. They electrocuted my testicles and my knees. I still have the scars. Every time they took me there, they electrocuted me. They were stepping on my neck with their feet. I was in custody for 12 days. They were constantly threatening me with my family and insulting me. Most of the time, the torture took an hour. I couldn't eat later because they hit me on the chin. Every time I was taken, I was given electricity. The first days were very intense. The next days it didn't take too long. ”   THEY MUST HOLD TO ACCOUNT   C.Y. who demanded for the people to be a follower of what was done to him, said: "They have done very bad things to me, I am still not myself. I don't know if any reports have been kept. I didn't see those who tortured me, but they called someone "the president." I don't know how to read or write. The lawyer came a few days later. The first attorney that came from CMK (Code of Criminal Procedure). I said I did not want him, I gave them another lawyers name, they said he was my lawyer. I want the torture I was subjected to, to be followed and accounted for. ”   THEY BROUGHT THE DOCTORS TO THE DETENTION ROOM     F.A who stated that he was staying at a relative in Urfa, city center, said: "They put me down on the ground in front of my children and relatives, even though I had not resisted. After laying me down on the ground, they hit my head and shoulders with the butt of the gun and kicked me. There were 15-20 people in the team that came for me. They took me to the Urfa TEM Branch. On the same day in TEM, they took me upstairs and blindfolded me. They undressed me and put my underwear in my mouth. When they did this, my hands were handcuffed. Then they hung me and started beating me. They took me again that night and treated me the same. On May 19 they took me upstairs again and put my hands tied under my underwear in my mouth and started beating me with my eyes tied, and electrocuted me. After the electrocution, they squeezed my testicles. During the time we were detained, the doctor was coming to the detention room. He was accompanied by the police every time they came. The doctor was just asking us if we were ok from the door, without a medical examination.      DEPOSITION UNDER TORTURE     B.A who stated that he was laid on the ground and beaten even though he did not resist, said: "They banged my head on the ground and insulted me. They took me upstairs the day I was brought to TEM. They blindfolded and handcuffed me, undressed me, put my underwear in my mouth, they waterboarded me and beat me. They squeezed my testicles. They electrocuted me. I could not get how many of them were there. I was tortured 3 times like this. They took my statement under torture. They did not let me see my lawyer. They took me to the doctor on the way to the courthouse but he didn't examined me. Aside from that, the doctor came to the detention room and look at us from the door."   DOCTOR: THIS WOUND IS NO BIG DEAL     E.Y who stated that he was taken under custody in the market while he was there with his father, said: "They first took us to Yaylak Gendermerie Station. They laid us on the ground face down. They kicked us with their boots on. 10 of them walked on us. They kicked me on my rib and stampled me. Someone lying next to me said that he had a heart condition, one of them responded and said 'F..k your heart' and hit him again. They beat us for half an hour calling us traitors. We couldn't say we were beaten when we were brought to hospital out of fear. Doctor said it was no big deal to those who have scars on their faces. They took us to Mehmet Ersoy Hospital. Doctor did not examined us. We were handcuffed from the back both in Urfa and in Bozova. When we arrived TEM they took me upstairs, blindfolded me with my hands cuffed behind my back. They undressed me from the waist down. They pput my underwear in my mouth. They electrocuted me from my genitals. They beat me in the same position and then electrocute me again. I was there about half an hour. They threatened me in the attorney interview room. I want the torture done to me followed up and hold the people responsible accounted for."    V.K , one of the other detainees told that he was electrocuted, beaten, insulted as well and that this was done to him 3 times a day.V.K said he was tortured until May 29, 2019 the day he was arrested.   POLICE PREPARED THE CONFESSION     Ö.G who was referred to Forensic Medical Institution (ATK) by the prosecutor's office because of the torture he was subjected to in Urfa Tem Branch, told about the torture at the ATK. Ö.G who told the same things with the rest of the detainees, said the deposition he had to sign was written by the police.    C.Z who fainted due to the torture, said he was held at his friends house for one day and that they showed him some photos which he stated that he didn't know them, said he was forced to sign some papers.   I DON'T WANN GIVE ANY MORE DETAILS!   Z.A who was subjected to intense torture, said: "I was taken under custody on May 24. Noone told me why I was detained. They took me upstairs two days later in TEM. My eyes were closed. They punched my back and my head. They electrocuted me from my genitals. They undressed me completely. That's all I have to say.. I don't wanna give anymore details.   M.S.Y and M.K also told about the torture they were subjected to and demanded the torturers to be prosecuted.